Thursday, April 18, 2013

A few of my favorite things

--> -->One night while my husband was picking K’s toys up off of the living room floor after both kids were in bed, he started laughing quietly to himself. I asked him what was so funny. Oh nothing, just seeing the toys and dolls reminded him of cute things K does and says. I knew exactly what he meant. Sometimes in the middle of a work day, something I see or hear will make me think of the kids, and I can’t help but smile.

As the parents of two small children, it’s easy to get bogged down in the routine of every day life. Get up, get ready, get kids ready, feed kids breakfast, drop off at preschool and daycare, work for 8 hours, pick kids up, play, check e-mail, fix dinner, play, give baths, get kids ready for bed, read stories, hugs and kisses, get someone a drink of water, do the dishes, do a load of laundry, watch a little TV or read, go to bed, get up 7 hours later and start over. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin.

Frequently though, I have these fleeting moments during each day when I imagine the curve of R’s cheek, and the way K’s eyelashes stick together when she first wakes up in the morning. Or I picture the way she moves her tiny hips back and forth when she hears a song she likes. For a brief moment, I picture R riding his bicycle with his head thrown back as the wind ruffles the top of his hair. And I feel calm and happy in those moments.

I love the movie The Sound of Music and will probably continue to torture my children by forcing them to watch it with me well into their adolescent years. My favorite song from the movie has always been My Favorite Things. A few years ago, Julie Andrews (who was brilliant as Maria Von Trapp) wrote a parody of the song geared toward senior citizens. Here is my attempt at a version for parents:

My Favorite Things

Handprints on windows and toys on the floor
Tickles and giggles, then asking for more.
Long bedtime cuddles that end with a kiss,
These are the things that fill my life with bliss.

Singing at bath time and forts on the couch
Running through sprinklers and Oscar the Grouch.
Watching a movie for the one thousandth time,
These are the things that make my life so fine.

When the flu hits,
When my head rings,
When I’m feeling stressed,
I simply remember my favorite things
And I know that I’m truly blessed.

Twenty little fingers and twenty little toes,
Chocolate ice cream on everyone’s nose.
Seeing them discover something that’s new,
These are the things that I look forward to.

Soccer on Saturday and pancakes Sunday morning,
Papers and art projects my fridge is adorning.
Sleepy heads on my shoulder as they fall asleep
These are the moments in my heart I’ll keep.

When the milk spills,
When the fits rage,
When the world has me spent,
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I’m completely content.

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